South African links

Quite a lot of research has been undertaken on the topic of adult basic education and training over the years. Listed here are some links to research on ABET that could be of interest.

University repositories

University of Johannesburg institutional repository – keyword ABET

University of the Western Cape – Electronic theses and dissertations repository – keyword ABET

University of Cape Town – Open UCT – keyword ABET

University of South Africa – Institutional Repository – keyword ABET

International links

Adult learning Australia
ALA is the national peak body for Adult and Community Education in Australia.

Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development
The Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training provides leadership and direction for post-secondary education and skills training systems in British Columbia as well as labour market information and programs.

COABE – Commission on Adult Basic Education
Providing leadership, communication, professional development, and advocacy for adult education and literacy practitioners. Based in New York.

Journal articles and book chapters

McKay, V. Adult Basic Education and Training in South Africa. In Comings, J., Garner, B., & Smith, C. (Eds.). (2007). Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Volume 7: Connecting Research, Policy, and Practice (1st ed.). Chapter 9. Routledge.