Registration as a private FET college means that you can offer full qualifications that are registered at Levels 2, 3 or 4 of the NQF. Registration is a legal requirement.
In order to be registered as a private FET college, an applicant must fulfil the following requirements:
- Financial sustainability;
- Accreditation by Umalusi; and
- Occupational health and safety requirements.
For the application to be considered, the applicant must submit proof that it is a company or it is in the process of registering as, or converting into, a ompany with the Companies and intellectual Property Registration Office at (CIPRO) at the Department of Trade and Industry. For further details on how to register a company, CIPRO can be contacted through their customer care line at 861843384.
Alternatively, further details can be obtained on their website at:
To register an FET/ABET training center in South Africa, you must follow the steps outlined by the relevant government agencies and comply with all relevant laws and regulations.
Steps to register you training centre:
The exact registration process may vary depending on the type of training center you want to establish, but in general, the following steps may be involved:
Determine the type of training center you want to establish – There are various types of FET/ABET training centers, including public and private centers, as well as centers that focus on specific skills or industries. You will need to determine the type of center that best suits your needs and goals and at what level you want to offer training. There are three bands in the South African education system, of which two are relevant for ABET training:
- General Education and Training: Training provided in primary and secondary schools from Grade R to grade 9. The ABET equivalent is levels 1 to 4. Registration of these organisations fall under the provincial departments of education.
- Further Education and Training: Training provided by high schools from Grade 10 to grade 12 and vocational qualifications at NQF levels 2 to 4. The registration of private FET organistions falls under the national department of Education

Research the relevant laws and regulations – There are various laws and regulations that govern the establishment and operation of FET/ABET training centers in South Africa, including labor laws, health and safety regulations, and qualifications requirements for trainers and instructors. You will need to research these laws and regulations to ensure that your center complies with all relevant requirements. Registration of your centre must occur 6 months before starting to train.

Develop a business plan – A comprehensive business plan is an essential tool for establishing your training center. Your business plan should outline your goals, target market, budget, and marketing strategies.

Secure funding – Depending on the size and scale of your training center, you may need to secure funding from banks, investors, or other sources. One of the requirements for acceptance of an application is financial stability.

Register your business – If you are wanting to offer full qualifications on levels 2 to 4 of the NQF, it is a legal requirement to register your business with the relevant government agencies, including the Department of Higher Education and Training and the South African Qualifications Authority. For the application to be considered, the applicant must submit proof that it is a company or it is in the process of registering as, or converting into, a ompany with the Companies and intellectual Property Registration Office at (CIPRO) at the Department of Trade and Industry. For further details on how to register a company, CIPRO can be contacted through their customer care line at 861843384. Registration with Umalusi is also required.

Obtain necessary licenses and permits – Depending on the type of training center you want to establish, you may need to obtain various licenses and permits, including health and safety permits, business licenses, and training permits. These include adhering to occupational health and safety requirements.

Develop your training programs and materials – You will need to develop and implement your training programs, as well as create the necessary materials and resources to support your training activities

Hire trainers and instructors – You will need to hire trainers and instructors who are qualified and experienced in the areas you want to offer training in.
Useful links
Information booklet: Registration of Private Further Education and Training Colleges.
This is the 3rd edition of an information booklet provided by the Department of Higher Education and Training. This booklet consists of a number of responses that the Department has developed on the basis of questions frequently asked (FAQs) by private institutions, students, parents, employers, banks and the media.
Registration as a private further education and training (FET) college
To offer National Qualifications Framework (NQF) full qualifications on levels 2 –4, you must register as a private FET college with the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in terms of the Further Education and Training Colleges Act, 2006 (Act No. 16 of 2006). FETs are public or private colleges that are established, declared or registered under the FET Colleges Act, 2006. The DHET has provided a downloadable information booklet describing registration of private FET colleges. Click here
Umalusi – Online accreditation
The Umalusi Council sets and monitors standards for general and further education and training in South Africa in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework Act No 67 of 2008 and the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act No 58 of 2001. This downloadable brochure from the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training, takes you through the steps of applying for accreditation of your training centre. They provide a useful downloadable brochure describing the process involved in the application of accreditation with Umalusi.
Independant Examinations Board (IEB) ABET assessments
The IEB offers the following assessments:
- AET national examinations twice a year in June and November
- Examinations on Request (EoRs) for AET levels 1 to 3 (Communication in English and Numeracy in English) and NQF Level 1 in Communication in English and Mathematical Literacy.
- NQF Level 1 National examinations
- NQF levels 2 – 4 Placement Assessments
- Foundational Learning Competence
Email Pros suggest the following steps to become an accredited SETA training provider:
- The Training Provider determines the primary focus
- The SETA Quality Assurance Management Division requirements are compiled by the provider
- The Training Provider completes and submits an online application form for accreditation
- A compliance check is conducted by SETA and the provider receives a notification of compliance / non-compliance
- The Training Provider responds to the notification if necessary
- A site visit is scheduled and conducted by a SETA ETQA evaluator
- The evaluator sends his/her report to SETA
- The evaluation report is quality assured and the report indicating the status of accreditation is sent to the provider. Where applicable, areas of remediation will be detailed in the report.
- The Training Provider is required to respond to areas of remediation if necessary, and make the relevant submission.
- Confirm registration with the DHET