If you are a company that recognises the advantages of having a skilled and literate workforce, then these organisations will be able to assist you.

Project Literacy
Project Literacy was established in 1973 to address the needs of illiterate and semi-literate adults in South Africa and has more than 30 years of experience in ABET provision. Today Project Literacy is a well-established and highly respected non-governmental organisation (NGO) with experts in the provision of a wide range of Education and Training programmes. With it’s headquarters in Pretoria, Project Literacy’s programmes reach adult learners nation-wide through offices in every province.
EDUTEL, simply expressed, is an educational service that enables employers to concentrate on their core business, while EDUTEL takes care of every aspect of learning and training at the various levels of competency… efficiently and cost-effectively… and always according to employers’ specific needs in the workplace. EDUTEL collaborates with a variety of formal and non-formal educational institutions, empowering students and business environments alike with sound advice, training and, increasingly, the facilitation of training, Central to EDUTEL’s overarching vision and mission of greater educational access, is the notion that all learning should be skills based, outcomes-based, or, if you like, purpose-based… clearly defined in terms of the learner’s profile, his/her weaknesses and strengths, and the most effective ways in which life-long learning could facilitate a more complete individual and, in fact, an able and productive contributor to South Africa’s economy.
ClockWork Learnerships
Receive up to R120 000 every time we train a young South African entrepreneur for your business. Improve your BBBEE score. Receive tax rebates. Change lives.
Schedule a free consultation with our professional in house Skills Development Facilitator below to see how. ClockWork also offer recruitment service for learnerships & persons with disabilities.
You don’t have to invent the NQF-Fundementals Communication Skills wheel! We have all the tools that you need: LITERATI – our proven, mother-tongue short cut to English literacy ELSA – our standardized measuring instruments HANDS-ON ENGLISH – our accelerated-learning, modularized ABET English programme Plain English – Readability and Controlled Writing.
MTech Training Consultants
M TECH TRAINING CONSULTANTS has a mission to provide the highest quality,effective, practical education and training to all learners at a cost effective fee structure, in a conductive atmosphere. We also aim to achieve Standards and Qualifications registered on the NQF.
Umalusi Accredited Programmes
ABET Level 1-4
Economic Management
Life Orientation
Human and Social Sciences
Mathematical Sciences
Arts and Culture
Media Works
Media Works is an adult education and training provider with the drive and energy to tackle illiteracy in South Africa and in the rest of the world. We offer a number of delivery methods including computer-assisted, face-to-face and combination of the two, which has enabled thousands of learners to have access to learning at any time and place that suits them. Browse the website to find out about the best ABET training solution for your company.
SETA is an acronym for Sector Education and Training Authority. An important reason for their existence is to help improve skills of both the employed and unemployed in various sectors. They do this by ensuring that skills training is uniform and of acceptable quality throughout South Africa. They are closely involved in the development of learning programmes and ensure that these programmes follow the governments national skills development plans. Many of the SETAs encourage ABET training for employees with their respective sectors.
Sizanani ABET Career Solutions
Sizanani ABET Career Solutions provide education and training at various levels. Their products and services are underpinned by ISO 9001, UMALUSI and supporting SETA’s. They offer training in…
- ABET Level 1-4
- Literacy Training of Unemployed individuals and disabled from local communities
- Incorporation of life skills programmes
- Foundational Learning Competence
…as well as Women in mining courses, portable skills and household informal training, Management Business & Productivity skills and many more.
The Learning Organisation (TLO)
TLO believes in growing people from where they are, to where they want to be. We believe in growing people outside of their habits and comfort zone. We offer qualifications, skills programmes, computer skills, customised development programmes and coaching for all levels of staff, including Executive Coaching and Management Development programmes.
Training Force
Training Force links training to industry. They are a registered training provider focused on delivering industry and job-specific skills assessments and training interventions to businesses and their employees across a variety of industries. Since their establishment in 2003, they have provided over 3 000 companies with training interventions and upskilled over 55 000 workers through their branches across South Africa. By delivering practical training solutions, they help businesses secure a more productive workforce. All their learnerships are aligned with SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority), the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and accredited with SETA Quality Assurance departments.
Triple E Training
Triple e Training has delivered Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) to more than a 600 companies throughout South Africa since 1991 and continues to deliver exceptional services and excellent results over a large spectrum of industries, no matter what the size of the project or company that we may deal with.